Get Ready To Step Into Pedestrian Safety Month

Pedestrian Safety Month is an annual observance that takes place every October. Its mission is clear: to raise awareness about the importance of pedestrian safety and reduce the alarming number of pedestrian accidents that occur each year. While this campaign is vital for everyone, this blog will specifically focus on child safety and the steps we can take to help protect them.

Before we delve into preparing for Pedestrian Safety Month, let's take a moment to understand the urgency of the matter. Recent statistics highlight the sobering reality:

  • Pedestrian Fatalities Are Rising: In the U.S., pedestrian fatalities have been on the rise. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), there were nearly 6,000 pedestrian deaths in 2020, representing a concerning 21% increase from 2019.
  • Children Are Vulnerable: Children, in particular, are vulnerable pedestrians. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2019, 20% of all pedestrian fatalities were children aged 14 and younger.

Factors contributing to pedestrian accidents include distracted drivers and pedestrians, impaired driving, speeding, and inadequate pedestrian infrastructure. Now that we understand the significance of pedestrian safety, let's explore how we can get ready for October:

  • Education is Key: Start by educating your children about Pedestrian Safety. Teach them the basics of looking left and right before crossing the road, using crosswalks, and following traffic signals. Encourage them to be aware of their surroundings.
  • Safe Routes to School: Work with your child's school to establish safe routes for walking or biking to school. Encourage walking groups or buddy systems, where children can walk together for added safety. Consider these Safe Routes To School custom resources!
  • Engage in Community Activities: Participate in local Pedestrian Safety Month events and activities. These can provide valuable information and resources to help keep your family safe. Be sure to sign up for Walk & Roll To School Day on 10/4!

As Pedestrian Safety Month approaches, let us be reminded of the urgent need to address pedestrian safety and the steps we take today can make a significant difference. By educating our children, setting a positive example, and advocating for safer streets, we can work together to ensure that our youngest pedestrians can walk, run, and play in a safer and more secure environment. Let's step into Pedestrian Safety Month with a renewed commitment!