New Statistics & Safety Resources

The 4th of July is a time for celebration, fireworks, and gatherings with family and friends. However, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), we usually see an increase in crashes as well due to impaired driving. As if that weren’t enough, consider these sobering statistics:

  • Fireworks cause an estimated 1,000 injuries to children under 18 each year in the U.S.
  • Children under 15 account for approximately one-third of all firework-related injuries.
  • The majority of fireworks injuries to children are caused by sparklers, which can burn at temperatures over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Alcohol is involved in approximately half of all fireworks-related injuries to children.

The NHTSA 4th of July campaign goes on to share insights into impaired-driving crashes:

  • 538 people died in moto vehicle crashes over the July 4th holiday period in 2021. 39% of those fatalities occurred in alcohol-impaired driving crashes.
  • From 2017 to 2021, there were 1,460 drivers killed in motor vehicle crashes over the 4th of July period. 38% of the drivers killed during those years were alcohol-impaired.

I’m Safe! offers Impaired Driving Prevention resources like the Buzzed Driving Info Pledge-Card with NHTSA messaging, “The Effects of Alcohol” and “Marijuana” tabletop displays, and the “Are You a Better Driver When You’re High?” product line.

We can also add impaired driving messaging to any of the distracted driving awareness products. You can browse all Risky Driving materials here.

Looking for a freebie to help support summer safety? Consider the I’m Safe! Smart Steps To Water Safety – Parent Tips + Activity, which is available in both English and Spanish. Overall, the summer and holidays are a joy for all, but it's essential to prioritize child safety. By taking precautions and being proactive, we all can help make them safe and memorable.