Products: Pre-teens 9-12, Walk to School Day, -display, -dvd, -guide, -kit, -lights, -presenter, -s, -sticker, English
6 results
$0.45Teach your child about crosswalk safety! Teach children when to cross with these colorful bookmarks, specifically designed for grades 3-6. Tailor the contents to your specific program or campaign. Perfect for Safe Routes to School and Walk to...Sku: 10-4611
$49.95Catch someone doing something safe! Build kids' confidence and promote safe decisions in risky situations. Ideal for ages 9-12. Features: Two games in one: Xtreme Bingo and Xtreme Challenge (instructions are on the back of the cards) Laminated...Sku: 10-4640
$4.25Remind Drivers, Walkers and Bicyclists - No Cell Phone Use in School Zones Parents and children can't miss the message to stay off their phones with this eye-catching poster. Perfect for the school office, hallways, or just about anywhere....Sku: 3-6216
$0.45Remind Drivers, Walkers and Bicyclists - No Cell Phone Use in School Zones Remind parents, teens and children to stay off their phones while driving, walking or riding bikes. The front of the card colorfully portrays the key message while the back...Sku: 3-6219
$0.45Teach children when to cross with these colorful bookmarks, specifically designed for grades K-2. Tailor the contents to your specific program or campaign. Great for Safe Routes and Wakl to School events, and health fairs! You can have your own...Sku: 6-3810
$0.95Reflective, diamond shaped zipper pull attaches to jackets, bags and other items. Perfect for Safe Routes to School and awareness events. Details: Printed on reflective vinyl. Size: 1.54" x 2.16" Set Up Fee: A one time...Sku: R804