Products: Displays, Children 4-8, Seat Check Saturday, -badge, -bands, -cling, -kit, -pen, -puppet, -shade, English, Made in USA
6 results
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP guidelines, 9-2018 "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Stacy is a life-size...Sku: 2-3560
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP guidelines, 9-2018 "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Kip is a life-size...Sku: 2-3700
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP guidelines, 9-2018 "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Alejandro is a life-...Sku: 2-3780
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP guidelines, 9-2018 "When can my child ride on the vehicle seat?" Seat belts do not usually fit until kids are 4'9" tall, weigh about 80 pounds and are 8-12 years old. Stand-up Sofia is a life-size...Sku: 2-3781
$299.00Prevent Back-Overs with this Visual Demonstration The new "Can you see me?" banner makes it easy for parents to understand why they need to walk around a vehicle before backing up...and prevent injuring a child who can't be seen from...Sku: 2-3782
$299.00*Updated in accordance with AAP guidelines, 9-2018 Help Parents Understand Car Seat Stages This colorful "4 Steps" Stand-up Banner makes it easy for parents to understand why how to make sure that their child is in the right car safety...Sku: 2-3785